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  • FINALIZADO - Nuevas formas de la guerra.

    Código:UBACYT S014


    Área: Conflicto y Cambio Social

    Acreditación: UBA


    Tomás Varnagy

    La guerra, como cualquier fenómeno social, reconoce regularidades a partir de las cuales pueden estudiarse los casos particulares, únicos en sí mismos. Las principales leyes de la guerra moderna fueron expuestas por Clausewitz hace dos siglos. La guerra, en tanto epifenómeno de los sistemas sociales predominantes en cada momento histórico, no debe estudiarse como sistema cerrado, sino en vinculación a aquéllos. En los dos siglos transcurridos desde la escritura de De la guerra el capitalismo se ha transformado del incipiente industrialismo a una fase financiera (fenómeno que se expresa como “globalización”). La guerra también ha sufrido transformaciones en sus formas y, presumiblemente, también en sus regularidades.
    The war, like any social phenomenon, holds regularities from which particular cases can be studied. Clausewitz exposed the main laws of modern warfare two centuries ago. War as an event of predominant social systems at every historical moment, should not be studied as a closed system, but in entailment to those. Since the writing of On war two centuries ago, Capitalism has turned from incipient industrialism to a financial phase (fact called “globalization”). The war also has undergone transformations in its forms and, presumably, also in their regularities. This project is as an extension of a previous one, called “New fashions of military practices”. In that project, we studied different approaches to the new manifestations of this social phenomenon and set out to advance towards the inference of regularities, within the framework of opening a new disciplinary field in our country: the sociology of war. We consider that frame necessary due to limitations shown by the international relations and military perspectives: the vital connection with the social system (state forms, mercantile circulation, ideology, demographic impact, technological development, etc.) is a perspective that only the sociology perspective possesses.