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  • FINALIZADO - Políticas públicas y producción social del habitat en las principales áreas metropolitanas de Argentina. (Amba, Córdoba, Mendoza, Rosario).

    Código:UBACYT S401


    Área: Estudios Urbanos

    Acreditación: UBA


    Máximo Lanceta, María Laura Canestraro, Maria Laura Gil Y De Anso, Mariana Mendoza, Marianne Von Lucken, Mariano Daniel Perelman, Vanesa Ciolli, Marcela Laura Vio, Mariana Enet, María Cecilia Zapata, Andrea Echeverría; Gabriela Marichelar, Maria Soledad Arqueros Mejica

    El proyecto estudiará la relación entre modalidades de producción social del hábitat (PSH) (por ejemplo, asentamientos, villas, ocupaciones de edificios) y políticas habitacionales (provisión de suelo-vivienda, infraestructura y servicios, a través de regularización dominial, producción de vivienda nueva, mejoramiento barrial, etc), en principales áreas metropolitanas de Argentina (AMBA, Córdoba, Mendoza, Rosario), con énfasis en el período 2003-2010. Continúa y amplía alcances del estudio iniciado con el UBACYT SO32.
    This research project will study the relationship between different modalities of the social production of habitat –SPH- (such as squatter settlements, shantytowns, squatter buildings, etc.) and varied housing policies implemented in the main metropolitan areas in Argentina -AMBA, Cordoba, Mendoza, Rosario- (such as provision of plots and housing units, urban infrastructure and services, settlement regularization, production of new housing units, programs for neighborhood improvements, etc.). The focus of the research project will encompass the period 2003-2010, emphasizing and expanding the research previously carried out and the results obtained with the UBACYT SO32. The project will analyze the relationship between forms of SPH and housing policies and their insertion within a more general dynamics of social and territorial urban transformation. On the one hand, with the aim of producing a characterization of living conditions among low-income sectors of the population that traces the social and territorial effects of public policies, the project will evaluate different programs considering –among other things- their long-lasting effects on a) the everyday life of the families involved, and b) the development of socio-organizational networks. On the other hand, the project will produce a “matrix for the evaluation of public policies oriented toward popular housing.” This matrix will provide a basis for the comparison of processes -identifying relations and their impact on different scales of production and levels of intervention (urban, neighborhood, organizational, familial)- that could be potentially applied by the various actors in different phases of policy design and implementation.